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It’s that time of the year again when women are celebrated  all over USA. Ask any woman around the globe what they have in common with each other . It’s the gift of motherhood. It is a blessing to bring forth a life on earth.

In different cultures women are respected for the roles they play in the society. They are the ones that help keep the family together. Even if she is the bread winner or a home maker they have a tremendous role to mold the next generation.

Being a mom is a lifetime job. You don’t get a vacation or a salary , but the job must be done. They toil round the clock , get the home ready, make the next dinner, chauffeur the kids to the next event or game.  Cheer them up even if their team wins or looses. Call in sick when  the kids are sick. Have and answer for all the kids questions.

Have you ever wondered how they hold it all together,On the Phone, cooking, caring for the kids , doing laundry, helping with home work,  all of these activities going on at the same time. They are natural born multi-taskers.

On this mother’s day, tell your Mom how much you love her and appreciate all she has been doing  for you.You can give any gift of LOVE from your heart you don’t have to break the bank and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Shopping for MOM, Paying for Manicure and pedicure, making her breakfast , let her be on that vacation by taking over the kitchen for the day . Although, she won’t mind having a live -in- chef .  A good book  or her favorite Magazine subscription.

It’s also a hard and difficult time for someone whose mom is in heaven. Let us remember  them in our prayers and be there for them as well. All mothers and Moms to be are all billionaires in my book because no amount of pay will ever be adequate for the amount of work they do in their homes, kid’s lives and in the society.


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