Tag Archives: food

Foods That Helps Our Body Grow .



Fiber Up With Beans

Beans are another nutrient powerhouse, providing you with a reliable protein alternative to meat as well as the fiber needed for good digestion and prevention of chronic diseases. Beans — including navy, kidney, black,…

white, Lima, and pinto — are part of the legume family that also includes split peas, lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans. Many are good sources of calcium, important to prevent osteoporosis, especially after menopause. If you’re new to beans, add them gradually to minimize gas. Count each one-quarter cup of cooked beans as one ounce of protein.
Turn to Tomatoes

Call it a vegetable or a fruit, the tomato is in a food class by itself. Interestingly, cooked tomato products, like tomato paste, puree, stewed tomatoes, and even ketchup, deliver more of its well-known antioxidant lycopene, a cancer fighter, and potassium than when eaten raw. Tomatoes also have vitamins A and C and phytochemicals that make it a nutrition essential for women’s health.

Go Nuts
Nuts are a great source of protein and monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as much needed vitamin E. Examples of great choices include walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.

Nuts are also very calorie-dense, however, so you need only a palmful for good nutrition and to feel satisfied — just one-half ounce of nuts is considered equivalent to one ounce of a typical protein choices, like chicken or beef. You can increase the volume by adding raisins or dried cranberries.

Bring on the Berries

Berries, and a lot of fruits, are an excellent source of antioxidants and water-soluble vitamins. They are important for the prevention of cancer and to maintain your weight. They may also lower your risk of coronary …

heart disease. One of the many studies done on the benefits of berries looked at blueberries, a known powerhouse. Researchers found that all their benefits remained even after cooking. The serving size is one-half cup of fresh berries (or one-quarter cup if they are dried).