Happy Valentines day


Yeah … it’s that time of the year again wheather  you celebrate or not you must have heard from folks around you or your co-workers or classmates.

Some splurge on expensive gifts go overboard just to express their LOVE for a loved one.

Even if you go moderate or overboard. The most important thing is to reach out to your loved one and make them feel the love in your voice , eyes and heart.

Be you married, single or divorced, you can still have a nice celebration with your family and loved ones. Do not sit in a pity party , go out there do something with your family or for your self. Give yourself a treat movies  or a nice jewellery  or outfit will work depending on your budget .

As a mom I prefer to send out surprise cards for my family , with small gifts attached. Have a general spending time with kid and baking cupcakes. Then later find time for hubby out of the crazy schedule.

If you have  a child in Grade school  be prepared to see some kind of candy, cupcake or chocolate  and cards exchanged from classmates.

Pre-schoolers  still do their heart drawings and card making crafts for their family members. Sometimes the cards says “I love you mom” while some do include all members of their family on a drawing. Fun isn’t it ?

However you choose to celebrate. I wish you a Happy Valentines day !!!

Welcome To Childrens Candy Kids


Hello world. Am just new to blogging for https://www.facebook.com/Ginamechy

We will be talking about babies, kids fashion and and much more.

I can see this is gonna be a REAL AEWSOME  year for us all. Thanks so much to my friend Donna at Http://www.intouchpromotions.com for the inspiration she gave me about blogging. Being a goalgetter, i went straight to work. Thanks so much Lady.

Am not gonna forget my meeting with this Fabulos Lady Karen from http://www.sugarmums.com.au/livewell  . We met on Facebook when i was starting my page and i didn’t know where  to start . She gave me some cool tips on what to do and ever since it’s been good. Am so glad for the connection Karen.

Sometime Last year towards the middle of the year. I met anither nice lady Anngie of www.AnngiesFanPage.com   I was on my page commenting on how www.facebook.com  got alot of page owners on block because of liking so many pages at a shortime . Then she said,  “why not twit”, that was how i got into the world of twittering about my www.facebook.com/Ginamechy   FaceBook Business page on  www.twitter.com  . Thanks so much Anngie , I really do appreciate you.

Thank You so much to all my friends at http://www.facebook.com/LIM.MediaGroupInc  ever since we connected on face book we have been supporting each other’s page . I cherish good frienships and it’s all on professional level. Thank you so much for your mom tips and we are looking forward to more in the future. I got your back ! Thanks  so much ladies.

Blessings and Love to my dear LaTersa ,  from http://www.facebook.com/diapercakesbylatersa  she gave me some pointers on my blog too. Thank you sister friend, much love to you dear.

In Life we meet diffrent people we learn from and people that learn from us.  Such a great thing to inspire a soul that is yearning to learn. Grace and Favor be you all’s portion everyday too.  STAY TUNED THE  BEST IS YET TO COME !!! peace and love to you all.