Foods That Helps Our Body Grow .



Fiber Up With Beans

Beans are another nutrient powerhouse, providing you with a reliable protein alternative to meat as well as the fiber needed for good digestion and prevention of chronic diseases. Beans — including navy, kidney, black,…

white, Lima, and pinto — are part of the legume family that also includes split peas, lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans. Many are good sources of calcium, important to prevent osteoporosis, especially after menopause. If you’re new to beans, add them gradually to minimize gas. Count each one-quarter cup of cooked beans as one ounce of protein.
Turn to Tomatoes

Call it a vegetable or a fruit, the tomato is in a food class by itself. Interestingly, cooked tomato products, like tomato paste, puree, stewed tomatoes, and even ketchup, deliver more of its well-known antioxidant lycopene, a cancer fighter, and potassium than when eaten raw. Tomatoes also have vitamins A and C and phytochemicals that make it a nutrition essential for women’s health.

Go Nuts
Nuts are a great source of protein and monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as much needed vitamin E. Examples of great choices include walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.

Nuts are also very calorie-dense, however, so you need only a palmful for good nutrition and to feel satisfied — just one-half ounce of nuts is considered equivalent to one ounce of a typical protein choices, like chicken or beef. You can increase the volume by adding raisins or dried cranberries.

Bring on the Berries

Berries, and a lot of fruits, are an excellent source of antioxidants and water-soluble vitamins. They are important for the prevention of cancer and to maintain your weight. They may also lower your risk of coronary …

heart disease. One of the many studies done on the benefits of berries looked at blueberries, a known powerhouse. Researchers found that all their benefits remained even after cooking. The serving size is one-half cup of fresh berries (or one-quarter cup if they are dried).

Happy Father’s Day Dads


Being a good father is not an easy job, but if you really want to become a great father to your kids, it’s not difficult either. A good father makes all the difference in the life of a child, because he is the perfect person they look up to. He’s always a pillar of strength, discipline, and support.Producing a baby does not qualify one as a Dad. It takes a special someone to lay their life down for his Children. Being a Dad means giving up the “I” for  “us” or “our”


Some kids that do remember what this word “DAD” means to them, It could be a happy one for a child, whose father was involved in his life. Providing all the basic needs. Food , Shelter & Clothing. Attending school events, medical care , school fees , Celebrating birthdays , Child’s achievements , Someone he’s so proud to call dad and show off to his friends  and so on.


To some, it just nothing to write home about because the “FATHER ” figure was absent. The child  may not want to remember  or is ashamed to talk to his friends about  the one person he wants to look up to. Because he  never had a peaceful home or nobody ever said to  him , “I love you “.


Boys look up to their fathers for advice , dating and sex talks. They may not feel comfortable asking their moms because , he wants a man’s point of view. Fathers gets excited when  their wives have male Children. They feel secured that someone will carry the family’s name and will be there to represent the family when he’s of age . Father’s  the head of Household and the kids feel safe when the Dad is around for protection. When one is being robbed they call Dad first not mom.


Girls on the other hand look up to the love and respect their fathers give to their mom. They expect their boyfriend or husband to treat them the same way.  Girls have special place in their father’s  heart.  Father’s are over protective of their daughters more than  their Sons.Ask any MOM.


It’s so important for father’s to encourage their children to be better. Be there as their role model . To watch the kind of language ( no fowl language)  that comes out of their mouth. Children learn by imitation  and they pick words quickly . You will be amazed by what they say when they play house. (Mom’s role and dad’s role).


The best thing a DADDY can do for his CHILDREN is to LOVE their MOMMY. Live in peace and take it one day at a time. We are remembering  all dads both living and deceased today and always. To all the Dads out there, we love you  and we wish you all A Happy Father’s  Day!!! Today and always. Your gifts and presents are also ready from your kids and grand babies too. We didn’t forget that .  We respect and love you all .




It’s that time of the year again when women are celebrated  all over USA. Ask any woman around the globe what they have in common with each other . It’s the gift of motherhood. It is a blessing to bring forth a life on earth.

In different cultures women are respected for the roles they play in the society. They are the ones that help keep the family together. Even if she is the bread winner or a home maker they have a tremendous role to mold the next generation.

Being a mom is a lifetime job. You don’t get a vacation or a salary , but the job must be done. They toil round the clock , get the home ready, make the next dinner, chauffeur the kids to the next event or game.  Cheer them up even if their team wins or looses. Call in sick when  the kids are sick. Have and answer for all the kids questions.

Have you ever wondered how they hold it all together,On the Phone, cooking, caring for the kids , doing laundry, helping with home work,  all of these activities going on at the same time. They are natural born multi-taskers.

On this mother’s day, tell your Mom how much you love her and appreciate all she has been doing  for you.You can give any gift of LOVE from your heart you don’t have to break the bank and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Shopping for MOM, Paying for Manicure and pedicure, making her breakfast , let her be on that vacation by taking over the kitchen for the day . Although, she won’t mind having a live -in- chef .  A good book  or her favorite Magazine subscription.

It’s also a hard and difficult time for someone whose mom is in heaven. Let us remember  them in our prayers and be there for them as well. All mothers and Moms to be are all billionaires in my book because no amount of pay will ever be adequate for the amount of work they do in their homes, kid’s lives and in the society.


Please visit our Face Book Page Children’s Candy (kids Clothing) for some gift ideas and fabulous and affordable kids outfits.

Follow is too on our Twitter Page is @CCandykids  to get  info on our latest posts and events.




What’s the Real Story Behind Cinco De Mayo?

Ask 100 people the true meaning behind Cinco de Mayo and half of them will say it’s the national holiday for downing margaritas and eating jalapeno poppers. The other, soberer half will insist it’s the celebration of Mexico’s independence. Truth is Mexico got its independence back on September 16, 1810. All the revelry for Cinco de Mayo actually centers around an unlikely battle won versus the French on May 5, 1862.

Kids are not left out in the celebration too. They dance and  have fun with their parents, friends and Family.

celebration as a good way to remember Mexico’s historical foods and drinks was also a must to get in the FIESTA  Celebration.


Visit our FACE BOOK PAGE  Children’s Candy (kids Clothing) and Become a Fan. View our albums and Let us know the size you need for your kids.

Follow us on TWITTER  too to get our updates too at  @CCandykids

Be safe out there, Don’t drink and drive  either. Enjoy your Fiesta !!!!



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View some of our hottest Summer Collections and buy for your loved ones today !!!

We  really do love and appreciate you all a lot thank you  so much

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World’s Cutest Babies




2. Rebekah Jeanine

3.  Kyle

4. Gabriel

5. Mason

6. Zane

7. Charli

8. Emmalynn

9. Lynette






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Second Annual Cutest Baby Contest Rules …


1. You have to visit our blog and comment the name of the  Baby  you want to     win.

2. Entries open 04/16/2012 (Monday) and close (Thursday) 04/26/2012.

3. You will have until Thursday 04/25/2012 to  comment the name of the child or children you want to win the contest.

4. You can submit ANY photo whether it be professional or UN-professional to

5. The name with the most comment , WINS  an outfit from us and also a $10.00 gift certificate and will be on our Profile  Picture sometimes on

6. If you are in another country and you win. postage  is solely your responsibility.

7. There will be NO DRAMA OR BAD MOUTHING tolerated.

8. Any person that is rude or discriminating will be automatically disqualified from the competition.

9. Feel free to comment  and Like Pictures as well.

10. Parents by you entering your baby means you give us permission to post your baby’s picture on our blog .

11. (This competition is under no circumstance endorsed by Facebook)


Feel Good Giveaway !!!!


A couple of months  back we just gave away fragrance to

one of our loyal customers. It’s just the little ways of saying


I hope  and pray that I will be in the position of giving out something to everyone  that has really made a difference on our Facebook  

From  the bottom of my heart words cannot express how grateful to you that I am.

Please help us spread the word about our Facebook Page. Tell your friends with little ones about it to and bring them to buy from us.Thank You , Thank You, we love and appreciate you all.



It’s that time of the Year again.  Stop by our Facebook page for all the deals and bargains you can ever think of . Enjoy your President’s day  all. Remember you are blessed and highly favored. Got kids ?  Dads, Moms, Grands, stop by our page and let’s connect. We love people and interaction too.

Give us your feed back on what you would love to see. Or what’s on your mind. Leave us your comment if you don’t mind. Thanks and Have a wonderful day. Still waiting to see you though. Peace!!!



Kids Valentines

  • Valentines day  is here once more as we celebrate the 14th of Feburay  every  year. Being in kids Fashion for less than a year now this is our first valentines day celebration hurray !!!!How do you plan on celebrating with your little ones and loved ones ? Instead of choclolates and flowers . How about a nice red outfit , it won’t be eaten and forgotten like the chocolates and it wont die or fade away like the flowers.We have some in stock at our boutique , feel free to ask any questions or check us out anytime. Morning ,Afternoon or Night. Ask some moms who their Valentine is you will hear  different answers.  Some do choose their kids over hubby. That’s not bad it’s always common among first time moms.
  •  A parent can never turn their back on their child. The love a mother has  for her child  cannot be broken or understood by a stranger. May your  days with your kids and loved ones be filled with Love , Joy, Laughther and Happinesss . Not just on Valentines day , but for the rest of your lives together. Peace and love to you all.