Happy Father’s Day Dads


Being a good father is not an easy job, but if you really want to become a great father to your kids, it’s not difficult either. A good father makes all the difference in the life of a child, because he is the perfect person they look up to. He’s always a pillar of strength, discipline, and support.Producing a baby does not qualify one as a Dad. It takes a special someone to lay their life down for his Children. Being a Dad means giving up the “I” for  “us” or “our”


Some kids that do remember what this word “DAD” means to them, It could be a happy one for a child, whose father was involved in his life. Providing all the basic needs. Food , Shelter & Clothing. Attending school events, medical care , school fees , Celebrating birthdays , Child’s achievements , Someone he’s so proud to call dad and show off to his friends  and so on.


To some, it just nothing to write home about because the “FATHER ” figure was absent. The child  may not want to remember  or is ashamed to talk to his friends about  the one person he wants to look up to. Because he  never had a peaceful home or nobody ever said to  him , “I love you “.


Boys look up to their fathers for advice , dating and sex talks. They may not feel comfortable asking their moms because , he wants a man’s point of view. Fathers gets excited when  their wives have male Children. They feel secured that someone will carry the family’s name and will be there to represent the family when he’s of age . Father’s  the head of Household and the kids feel safe when the Dad is around for protection. When one is being robbed they call Dad first not mom.


Girls on the other hand look up to the love and respect their fathers give to their mom. They expect their boyfriend or husband to treat them the same way.  Girls have special place in their father’s  heart.  Father’s are over protective of their daughters more than  their Sons.Ask any MOM.


It’s so important for father’s to encourage their children to be better. Be there as their role model . To watch the kind of language ( no fowl language)  that comes out of their mouth. Children learn by imitation  and they pick words quickly . You will be amazed by what they say when they play house. (Mom’s role and dad’s role).


The best thing a DADDY can do for his CHILDREN is to LOVE their MOMMY. Live in peace and take it one day at a time. We are remembering  all dads both living and deceased today and always. To all the Dads out there, we love you  and we wish you all A Happy Father’s  Day!!! Today and always. Your gifts and presents are also ready from your kids and grand babies too. We didn’t forget that .  We respect and love you all .

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