Kids Valentines

  • Valentines day  is here once more as we celebrate the 14th of Feburay  every  year. Being in kids Fashion for less than a year now this is our first valentines day celebration hurray !!!!How do you plan on celebrating with your little ones and loved ones ? Instead of choclolates and flowers . How about a nice red outfit , it won’t be eaten and forgotten like the chocolates and it wont die or fade away like the flowers.We have some in stock at our boutique , feel free to ask any questions or check us out anytime. Morning ,Afternoon or Night. Ask some moms who their Valentine is you will hear  different answers.  Some do choose their kids over hubby. That’s not bad it’s always common among first time moms.
  •  A parent can never turn their back on their child. The love a mother has  for her child  cannot be broken or understood by a stranger. May your  days with your kids and loved ones be filled with Love , Joy, Laughther and Happinesss . Not just on Valentines day , but for the rest of your lives together. Peace and love to you all.

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